Headsight®’s patented design gives you the best header height control on the market. The system provides both height and tilt control, which keeps the header at the right height even in the most challenging conditions.
Headsight offers 2 alternatives:
The Headsight Advantage
They are well ahead of the original ones, giving a much earlier warning.
Perfectly suited for hilly ground, as it senses the change in profile well before the cutter bar.
Insight ® is a stand alone controller that surpasses OEM header height performance by adding features and advanced settings with an interface controller mounted at the back of the head. The Insight® controller increases the maximum number of analog height sensors to 5 and offers advanced height control. Additional precision performance controls like Foresight® and Feathersight® are optional features available with Insight.
The electric sensor is wear free as it has zero mechanical contact as it is inductive.
Allows seamless operation from on ground to off ground operation (smooth transition from sensor info to hydraulic pressure info). By using the readings from the header height sensors and the pressure from the feeder house lift cylinders.
Feathersight® combines the operating range of the height sensors with the operating range of float mode to give seamless control through the whole range from in the air to pressure on the ground, also allowing the operator to feather the header lightly on the ground.
This added flexibility maximizes yield collection by enabling header optimization for the crop conditions of the area being harvested.